Apparel manufacturing, sourcing, and development insights for modern brands and designers.
Discover expert fabric sourcing tips for 2025. Learn key strategies, questions to ask suppliers, and trends to boost your clothing line.
Master tech packs for fashion: Create detailed apparel guides that streamline production, cut costs, and boost quality.
US tariffs on apparel imports from China—often around 10-50%—are reshaping apparel manufacturing, particularly for small brands.
One of the most important steps in apparel manufacturing is developing a "Golden Sample" before bulk production kicks off.
Creating a garment involves more than just fabric. It's a symphony of clothing components, each playing a role in a garment's construction.
Learn how to find a cut and sew manufacturer, source materials, manage costs, and ensure quality for a smooth apparel production process.
China’s apparel manufacturing stands out for its infrastructure, speed, scalability & pricing. See why brands choose China.
Quotes are free and samples are typically $50-$100, giving you a low risk way to analyze the quality of our service. And you won't pay to use our complementary platform.